Individual Meditation Instruction
Individual Meditation Instruction with the DASA Meditation Technique
This mantra-based Vedic meditation technique is rooted in Ancient India dating back approximately 5,000 years.
Teaching of this technique is face-to-face, on an individual basis.
This technique is taught in person by Lisa in the Pittsburgh area, or it can be taught by other instructors in Western Pennsylvania, California or Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
For more information on the DASA, silent mantra meditation technique, please click here: www.DASAmeditation.org​
Group Mindfulness Meditation Instruction
MBLC (Mindfulness-Based Living Course)
8-week course, once per week, approximately 2 hours per session
Small group instruction
Combination of informal and formal mindfulness practices
Techniques/Topics include: Settling the Mind, Body Scan, formal sitting Mindfulness Meditation, Mindful Movement, Loving Kindness, Attitude, Self-Acceptance, and Compassion
Customized presentations and workshops to fit the needs of your organization
In-service/teacher development sessions for school districts
Employee wellness programs